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Solo exhibition “behind the scenes to”



Solo exhibition “behind the scenes to”

In this solo exhibition I am showing works on the subject of sleep, dreams and perceived reality. My paintings expand in space and create a magical atmosphere through their multidimensionality.

Vernissage (public): Thursday, March 13, 2014, 7 p.m

Dance performance: Annelie Andre (choreography/ dance),  Stephanie Balih (dance), Alexander Dolphin (music & sound)

Introductory words: Muna El Badrawi

Duration of the exhibition: March 13 to April 12, 2014

Lined | studio for fashion and design | Six jug alley 2 | 1030 Vienna (U3 Rochusgasse)

Opening hours: Tue-Fri 11 a.m.-7 p.m., Sat 11 a.m.-3 p.m.,


Solo exhibition “behind the scenes to”

In this solo exhibition I show works on the topic of sleep, dream and perceived reality.
My paintings extend in the space of the exhibition room in generating a magic mood by serveral dimensions.

Dance performance: Annelie Andre (choreography), Stephanie Balih (dance),
Alexander Dolphin (music & sound)

Opening (public): Thursday March 13, 2014, 7 pm

Exhibition duration: March 13th till the 12th of April, 2014

Lined | studio for fashion and design | Six jug alley 2 | 1030 Vienna (U3 Rochusgasse)

Opening times: tu – fri 11 am -7 pm, sat 11 am -3 pm ,