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Bee pavilion opened in Kleinpöchlarn!

Six months of work, 50 watercolors in DIN 1 format, a bee pavilion and 3 photo walls!

KLEIN-PÖCHLARN. After months of work, beekeepers and initiators Roland Heinzle, Tobias Hundertpfund, the artist Stephanie Balih - who created the 50 watercolors for the park - and the filmmaker Alex Dolphin were able to open the new bee pavilion in the bee park. In the entire area you can now find out about the busy bees and take souvenir photos on three funny photo walls.

Mother Earth with all her inhabitants is happy about this successful art and environmental protection project!


Press article :

The Big Buzz by Viktória Kery-Erdélyi​

Article in the Lower Austrian pages 42 and 43

Bee pavilion in Klein-Pöchlarn to raise awareness

Article by Daniel Butter in the district newspapers Melk, June 2018


Related Links:

Kleinpöchlarn Bee Park

Arcotel Bee Park


Photos copyright: Philip Baumgartner and the bottom photo by Daniel Butter